Tree Cutting

Tree Cutting Services

Tree Felling and Removal

tree removal singapore

Tree Cutting Services

Our tree pruning services at Garden Landscape are primarily focused on amenity and hazard trees. Hazard trees are typically urban trees with structural problems that pose a potential hazard to life or property. Amenity trees are trees that are retained primarily for landscape purposes for the benefit of humans, whereas hazard trees are trees that are preserved primarily for landscape purposes for the benefit of humans.

Prince’s can assess your trees for aesthetic value, detect any hazards, and give recommendations for tree management or removal.

Reliable Sevice

We strongly believe in high quality and reliable landscaping and greenery services to all our clients.

Experienced Pros

We have over 10 years of good customer service and top quality in the landscaping industry in Singapore.

Affordable Service

We provide an affordable and quality service, that is one reason why we have many regular customers.

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Benefits of Tree Felling

Tree felling entails the removal of a tree in order to avoid the spread of disease and improve the area’s overall safety. Alternatively, a tree’s existing habitat may be unfavourable for it. Its roots, for example, could endanger the foundation or pipes of a nearby building.

For private residences with trees, it is possible that the resident tree will have to be cut owing to neighbour disputes or when the owner chooses to leave the house.

Felling a tree is a difficult task that should never be attempted without previous experience and the use of professional instruments. Our professionals are qualified to safely fell a tree while inflicting the least amount of damage to the surrounding area and safeguarding the physical safety of any passers-by.

Prevent Spread of Disease

The illness of one type of tree can swiftly propagate to other types of trees in the area. As a result, unless immediate action is done, the illness could spread over a broad area, posing a serious threat to all in the area. If the tree cannot be cured, precision tree felling would be the only way to keep the disease at bay.

Emergency Tree Removal Services

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergency tree removal. Our crew is always ready to help, especially if a fallen tree needs to be removed and is posing a threat to the public. For additional information about our emergency tree removal service, please contact us.

Emergency Tree Removal Services

It’s critical to emphasise the danger that a dying or diseased tree poses to the environment. When huge amounts of dead wood are combined with a tree’s diminished stability, a tree can be toppled over by high winds. This is not an uncommon sight in Singapore, as you may have seen fallen trees by the side of the road after a rainstorm.

tree felling singapore
tree cutting gondola
cutting from height

Tree Transplanting Service

Transplanting trees is a difficult task. To verify that each tree is securely transplanted, it takes a devoted and well-equipped staff. Light and moderate pruning, mulching, and crown reductions may be required before the tree is relocated. We make sure that each tree’s survival rate is meticulously assessed. Assuring that each operation and treatment is carried out after careful thought and detailed evaluation of the tree’s condition.

Furthermore, we adhere to a precise procedure to ensure that every tree transplanting instance is a success, with the plants surviving at a rate of 98 percent. This will reduce the amount of damage that occurs during shipping. A mobile crane is used to raise the prepped tree that is ready for deployment and planting with the required machinery and equipment. Our dedication to successful tree transplantation extends beyond routine tree care.


To limit damage and improve their chances of survival, our arborist experts will dig and transfer trees with soil balls adhered to portions of their root systems. We will analyse the tree transplanting project to ensure that it is effective and that the plants are up to the task before it can take place for safety reasons.

Assessment and Execution

Our specialist staff assesses tree and site conditions, and our knowledge and capability is demonstrated by hundreds of successful transplanting design and implementation projects.

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